With OnMyCalendar's flexibility, you can choose formats that meet the needs of your web visitors and integrate seamlessly with your web site.
Monthly / Weekly Calendars
Standard Calendar
Display a standard monthly calendar. Set the calendar's colors and font to match your web site's look and feel.
Six column calendar
If most of your events are during the week and space on your web page is tight, display a six-column calendar that combines Saturday and Sunday.
Five column calendar
The 5 column calendar is ideal for business and school day calendars. It simply displays Monday through Friday.
Multiple months at a time
If your web visitors are better served by seeing two or three months at a time, OnMyCalendar can support that as well.
Consolidated Calendars
Provide web visitors with a consolidated calendar.
Optionally enable the category list so that web visitors can select the category they want to see.
Week at a time
Weekly calendars work the same way and have the same options.
Hourly Schedule
The hourly format graphically displays the start time and duration of your events.
Choose between a seven day format or a five day format.
Calendar Lists
Upcoming Events List
Provide a basic list of events. Ideal for a home page 'Upcoming Events' list. You choose the date range to display, the fields to display, and more.
Tiny 'Upcoming Events' List
If space is precious on your home page, configure your Upcoming Events calendar to use just a little bit of room.
Include subheadings
You can have subheadings automatically display between days, weeks or months.
Add column headings
Add column headings to your schedule.
Event agendas
Simply configure your calendar to display the agenda topics for the specific days of the event.
Full Calendar Detail
Full detail
Sometimes it's best to present your upcoming events in a single, long web page.
With OnMyCalendar's word processing editor, it's very easy to include images with your event descriptions.
Partial description
If your event descriptions are long, instruct OnMyCalendar to display only a portion of the text. Web visitors can click on the events to view the full detail.
Add subheadings
You can instruct OnMyCalendar to include daily, weekly or monthly subheadings in your event listings.
Choose over 26 data fields to display on your calendars and event lists.
News Listings
'Recent News' lists
Web visitors can click on the titles for details.
Add a bit of the story
Want to display a little bit of the news item with the title? Not a problem.
Web visitors can click on the title for the whole story.
The whole story
For 'news' pages, have OnMyCalendar display the full text of your news items.
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